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After Care


-  Clean the tattoo 3 times in a day with sterile water or RO water for 7-10 days after the tattoo removal is done.
-  Do not  apply any kind of moisturisers or cream on the tattoo for the next 7-10 days.
-  Avoid chlorine water, swimming, beaches, direct sunlight and Wear loose full sleeves to protect your tattoo from the sun.
-  Don’t apply soap on tattoo while bathing. Wash the tattoo separately.

Image by Lucas Lenzi


-  Do not peel the scabs, let it come off on its own.
-  No exercise/gym or any other sweat related activity for first 2 weeks 
-  After 7 days you can start applying tattoo wax on the spot
- Antibiotic is mandatory after every tattoo. Please note that the artist is not supposed to suggest any kind of antibiotic. Let the doctors do their job.

Image by Akram Huseyn

What should I do if I get rashes around my tattoo

- Do not Panic! Contact your local doctor, he might suggest you some anti-rash ointments or anti-allergy tablets to cure it. Usually rashes go away within a few hours.

Image by benjamin lehman

What is the best time to get a Tattoo?

Although there is no particular season as such to get a Tattoo, however during summers, due to excessive heat and tanning, tattoos tend to get damaged. Winter is suggested to be the best time for getting a Tattoo.

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